Monday, February 25, 2013

Rare Astronaut Helmet

Hey guys! Saramo here. Happy Monday! YEAH! No. More like.. Eh blargh, its Monday -_- Well enough of the chit-chat :3 Here's whuzzup in Jamaa today.. 

Here's the RIM for today, the Rare Astronaut Helmet. It took me awhile to figure out and remember how to spell astronaut in fourth grade :V No worries, I can easily spell astronaut today! xD Ew did I just say no worries? My insanely peppy English teacher always says no worries O_o Rambling.. This item is sold for a whopping 800 gems in the Jam Mart Clothing store and can be found on the second page, bottom right hand corner. I had to play some games before I could buy it, as I am veeeeryyyy  bad at saving gems/money/whatever ;3  Here's the helmet on a few animals. 
On a rhino ^_^ Astro Rhino.. xD I just saw this person while I was playing Falling Phantoms.. No one in particular.. 
Atop the head of a horse x3
On a snow leopard.. It looks more like its stuck on there, like it's not meant to be on there. Just muh opinion >_<
On a wolf. It looks O.K. on the wolf. I don't think it really matters what animal the helmet is on, its just not a very pretty item in general. 
Lol uhmm.. I sort of messed up on the blur.. Okay, I TOTALLY messed up the blur.. xD Whoops. So yeah, here's the helmet on a fox. You get the idea. I think that's all for today.. ^^_^^ Oh yuss I changed my profile picture... it 'tis if you wanna see it and haven't already.. 
SORRY YAH CAN'T REALLY SEE IT.. Soo.. Click mee! You can see a better view of it ^_^ Well it doesn't really matter if you like it or not, since I like it anyways. You can still tell me what you think though :3

HINT HINT: It's a kitty thing :)

So yeah. Enjoy your trips to Venus while wearing your "Rare" Astronaut Helmets! Oh wait.. You won't survive if you go to Venus! Probably should've told Qwerty that before she left.. Oh well! xD Jk... Qwerty went to Mars ^_^ Well that's all. Byaz. 



Also.. I think flabbage should be a word.Yeah yeah?
Since I didn't do "
Jammer Said What!?" today, I want you to comment a supposedly made up word that you think should be a word and what it would mean.


=-= Or else.. *DUN DUN DUN music plays in background*
You get the gist. Comment O_O 


  1. I saw an interesting jammer said what today. He/she yelled I'M A MANIAC MANIAC I'M GOING CRAZY!! I don't know who I was..

    1. Oh, and I think flabbedge should mean a flabby fat part of body. For example, the teacher had flabbedge on her arm.

    2. Lol I think so too xD Thanks for commenting (:

  2. You mean we have to make a new word of our own?


    Btw, please buddy me. If the request is locked, please tell me. Thank you. :D

  3. If so, here it is. Lolling. It means 'joking' or 'saying LOL'. I'm lolling. Lol.



Hey guys! Saramo and Mojo here! About to comment? Please do! We encourage you to comment and express your opinions and feelings about posts, pages, and other things on the blog. Please remember to keep it appropriate, this is an Animal Jam blog, and there are younger jammers. Please keep these rules in mind when you are about to comment:

1. No swearing
2. Keep it appropriate
3. Try to keep it at least remotely related to AJ
4. Have fun and enjoy the blog

If you can follow these rules, you are amazing. Thank yew! >8D