
Hey jammers! This page is about Ajt's authors and how you can become one. I have some older posts on how to, but it's easier to just make a page. The reason why I'm accepting authors is because my sister and I are the only author/admins, and we are both quite slack-ish. So, we need some help to keep the blog on track. So here's how you can become an author:

  1. First, you'll need a blogger account, this makes it a lot easier for you and me
  2. Next, you'll need to let me know that you want to be an author, you can comment
  3. Then i'll check the comments and be sure to get back to you and tell you that I've sent a request for you to be an author
  4. Check your email (gmail) 
  5. There'll be a link in the email, click it

There you have it. Quite easy and simple. If you have any problems or questions just comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability. Thanks for considering,

~ saramo~ 


  1. Hey, my user's kitty85451, I'm really sorry, I don't have a blogger, but I was wondering If I could help u.

    1. Add me on AJ, I'm Saranade. We'll see what we can do (:


Hey guys! Saramo and Mojo here! About to comment? Please do! We encourage you to comment and express your opinions and feelings about posts, pages, and other things on the blog. Please remember to keep it appropriate, this is an Animal Jam blog, and there are younger jammers. Please keep these rules in mind when you are about to comment:

1. No swearing
2. Keep it appropriate
3. Try to keep it at least remotely related to AJ
4. Have fun and enjoy the blog

If you can follow these rules, you are amazing. Thank yew! >8D