Friday, November 23, 2012

New Animal

Recently, AJ has announced to help big cats that are endangered, such as tigers, lions, and cheetahs. Today in Jamaa, jammers were talking about a new animal they've seen. A cheetah. One user is amy3141, look at her animals. I'm not sure how you get one, but here are some possibilities I've thought of:
1.) You donate a certain amount of gems to cheetahs in the Conservation Museum in Appondale and AJ somehow gives you one
2.) You purchase big cat wristbands and maybe it comes with a code, not a membership code though
Those are ideas on how a jammer might get one. The cheetah has been seen on nonmembers, so im assuming they're for everyone. Post comments of you have any ideas or have heard anything! Here's a picture below:

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