Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fools Party


Well yesterday it seems that the April Fools Party had started so here are the party details..
The banner for the party.. 

Here's where you enter the party. 

Then if you go into the upside down castle, you'll find some upside down decorations and festivities. You can also click on the shakes to have a shake icon with your animal. But when you click on the shakes, it shows up as cake! :3 
Then if you go down some steps you'll find some beach towels and kiddie pools, along with a sand castle. There's a little concession stand with the sign "Sale" on it, but the joke's on us, there's nothing there! 
Confetti and presents! =D

If you go down some more you'll find some games and some donuts. The donuts are actually shakes though... Then if you click on a game, Sky High for example, a different game will show up, like Spider Zapper. Where's the items for sale at the party? You may be wondering. Well, just look down! Or up..?
Here's where you can buy some den items. In the sky.. O_o

 Members can buy the Upside Down Table and the Upside Down Window.  Nonmembers can buy the Upside Down Plant. Notice that all the prices are uneven and with weird numbers like 123 and 432 :V
Then here's the upper level. Consisting of phantoms, shark fins, and balloons.. and scary fences :P 

So yeah, I think I covered most of the party. So the shakes are really cakesdonuts are really shakes and cakes are really donutsYou can also get a lot of weird stamps from random parties.. Like these... 
starfish/thing.. :U

carrot... O_o
glowstick... :P

ghost... :O!!
sun... C:
moon..... .-.
clover... O3o

You get the idea ^_^ So yeah. What do you think of the April Fools' Party? It is a little deceiving, but I think it adds to the fun :3

I copied ^ all that from yesterdays post, here are a few new items for today, April Fools. 
See, you can't see them, but they're called Wacky,Silly, and Zany item. Then if you buy them and put them in your den.. 
I'm not sure which is which, mojo bought them. So yeah. They're all kinda "hazardous". Like something you'd find on a government site or like a construction zone. One abducts dirt, another shoots a missile thing, and another drops an anvil O-o I like them. I wish they were nonmember. They're probably only being sold for today, since today's APRIL FOOLS. Sorry nonmembers :( 

So yeah, I think that's all. 

(on mojo's account!) 

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