Saturday, April 20, 2013


Hey guys! Saramo here (: Happy SATURDAY! O_O THERE WAS A MAN IN MY YARD O-O Its a'ite. He's gone now. BUT THERE WAS A MAN IN MY YARD. He didn't steal any of our precious grass, thank goodness. I think he was from a lawn/mowing dealie company... BUT THERE WAS A UNKNOWN STRANGER MAN in MY YARD!!! :O Eep. Well here's the item for today.. 
YAYZERS. Today's item is a playground-ish themed-ish item, the TETHERBALL. Bahaha. I stink at tetherball xD
This item is being sold for 400 gems and can be found in the Jam Mart Furniture store, which is in Jamaa and also accessible by den. 
Unfortunately, this item is members only >_< 
It moves too! 
Hahah. Took forever to find someone with it in their den, so I had to get on mojo's account .-. 

Here's a glitch I encountered yesterday too.. O3o
Most of my screen was highlighted in blue, except for a small part of it. It didn't go away when I clicked, but it did when I logged out. 

Then AJHQ sent out another notification yesterday, but I forgot to post it. 

Kay... I can't find it in my folders..
Well it went something like this:

"Does it sound too good to be true? Could it be a trick? Then use the trading system!

So sort of like a tip, like to watch out for scammers I guess. 

So obey "the man" and watch out for scamming! Use the trading system! We do have it for a reason ^_^/)(\^_^

Ermkay, I think that's good.. Not sure what else to post about ;3 My posts are usually longer, but I guess that's enough for today (: 

Oh, and.. 
All that's needed is:
  • Wings, butterfly style is preferred
  • A knight helmet, any color will do
  • A brain, just a brain. 
That's it. xD Join today! (contact thebetternoobtube for more information.)

Now remember to.. 
Biya ^_^ 


  1. Butterfly Army? What will we do in the Butterfly Army? I have even NEVER met you in AJ! Can you buddy me? Thx!



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