Monday, April 8, 2013

RIM Rare Sand Dollar Necklace and Missed Items

Hey guys! Saramo here (: I'm in a rush, so this post will be pretty short, and, like dying rainbows, colorless Dx Sorry! I'm literally racing against the clock.. No time! Which is why this post will be so skimpy. Sorry, I can't provide much detail or input today.. Let's get started with the item for today, then the items I missed... 
Today's RIM item is the Rare Sand Dollar Necklace, selling for 850 gems. Member jammers can purchase this item in Bahari Bargains, on the sixth page. Cool item, though I'm not sure why they make us search for them. (in the store catalogs) Here's the item on a dolphin.. 
Onto the items I missed.. 
This was either yesterday's, or Saturday's item. Anyways, this is the Crystal Greely Statue, following the theme of the Crystal Graham Statue. All statues will probably be 3,000 gems, as is this one. Jammers can find this item in Epic Wonders, in the blue den item orb. Pretty cool, though their eyes glow and so do part of their heads.. Odd..? 
Another fairly new item is the returning and lovely Pitch Fork. Member jammers can purchase this item for 200 gems and find it in the Jam Mart Furniture store. This item works great in barns, though its mostly for show. 

Sorry for blowing off my own party on Saturday =-= I totally forgot about it.. and posting. I'll try to reschedule it soon, if you even want me to do a party.. :P When I get enough votes on the poll we'll be having our first contest on Animal Jam of Today! Yay! Be sure to enter when I have it up. 

One last thing, you may have seen dens like these, but they're pretty awesome... 
Click to enlarge.. :/ This is starfire333's den, if I do recall ^_^ It seems that jammers have been calling dens like these "Bounce Houses" and they seem to be pretty popular.. and AWESHUM!! xD  Its even cooler when they do this in a Water Park den BP
So yeah.. I attempted this in wuverofcouches's den, with nm striped couches, but I got too lazy and couldn't find motivation to finish..

So yeah.  

Remember to vote on the poll and, well, COMMENT O3o 

How do you like the blog's mascot? xD


  1. Umm... To tell you the truth, sorry. I don't really like the new mascot.


  2. And please.... DON'T KILL ME!!! XD


    1. I might have to kill you.. There aren't many options left for ones like.. you. O_O *dun dun dun* XD HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE PABLO DXX


Hey guys! Saramo and Mojo here! About to comment? Please do! We encourage you to comment and express your opinions and feelings about posts, pages, and other things on the blog. Please remember to keep it appropriate, this is an Animal Jam blog, and there are younger jammers. Please keep these rules in mind when you are about to comment:

1. No swearing
2. Keep it appropriate
3. Try to keep it at least remotely related to AJ
4. Have fun and enjoy the blog

If you can follow these rules, you are amazing. Thank yew! >8D