Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bean Bag Toss and Horseshoe Set

Hey jammers! Saramo here! Sorry for not posting yesterday and for posting late today. Yesterday I had an eye appointment around 4 and that took until 6 just for the eye doctor to put a drop in my eyes, which dilated them, and then tell me I'm all good .-. Then for the rest of the night I had to finish homework and all that fun crap. Well here's the item for today, then the item for yesterday.

So I have a new username. I used to be saramo1926, then I was foreversaramo1926, and now I'm Saranade. Why the username change? I was tired of saramo. Saramo signifies my old AJ life, but my AJ life now is much different, so I thought I should get a new username to go along with it ^_^ Stupid, maybe. But its what I wanted, so shush. 

Why Saranade? Okay so you know the word serenade? 

Definition of serenade: 
Click to enlarge.

That definition brought to you by:
Sorry for "advertising", but I had to give credit. 

Anyhoo, it means to dance, involving music, yada yada yada. Well I can incorporate my name into that.. Okay so my reasoning isn't all that clear/easy to explain. And not necessarily serenading someone, I just like it, okay?! I guess it could also be like "crusade.." O3o 

Alrighty, onto today's item.. (sorry for that ramble o_p)
Today's item is really FUUUUUUUUUN but its members only >_<
This, is the Bean Bag Toss. 
If you've ever done a bean bag toss xD
This item is being sold for 400 gems and can be found in the Jam Mart Furniture store. 

Here's the item for yesterday. Unfortunately, it is also members only >:l
Yesterday's item was the "lovely" Horseshoe Set. Pretty cool, but hardly anyone plays anymore. You can still find some old sets in parks sometimes, but not with horseshoes. 
This item is selling for 250 gems and can also be found in the Jam Mart Furniture store, which is also accessible by den. 
Here's an array of types of Horseshoe Sets.. 

Then here's a GIF of what the Bean Bag Toss does if you click on the bean bags.. 
Heehe. ^_^  Okay so first it was the Croquet set, then the Bean Bag Toss and the Horseshoe Set? Those sound like summer games, like you'd play at a fair or something.. probably not Croquet but you get the gist. Do you think they could be hinting at Summer Carnival Festival possibilities? Or maybe that its coming soon? 

Comment what you think.

Alright, that's all for today jammers! Bye (:

PS. Should I keep my blogger name Saramo1926 or should I change it to Saranade too? ^_^ 

NM FOX. Its still possible!!!!!!!!! YESSS. I just have to figure out how now.. Her user is Emo___
Blank. I don't remember what was after it.. :l

No fear! I'm getting my membership back anyways, so I can try when it ends. 

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