Friday, April 12, 2013


Hey guys, Sarmayo here today (; Who the heck is that? Why, don'tcha know? Its sara-mo! Bahah. Okay. Enough cheesiness. Let's see whats up in Jamaa today.. 
As you can hopefully see, today's item is the returning Trough. The trough is 400 gems! That's tough. xD Haha. More cheesiness. Well unfortunately this item is for members only, though it can be found in the Jam Mart Furniture store.

There are at least three kinds, brownish water, clear water, and I think one is only half full..? *not positive* 

Oh and if you click on it, it pumps water. (I think..) 

So yesterday was the arrival of the Spirit Helmets, and I didn't show a very good view of them. So, here's a better view of them along with the Spirit Armor :3 

Oh my gosh so I got contacts, like two days ago, and I'm not really used to it yet.. Right now my reflexes are reacting really strongly when I try to put it in my eye, so it takes a while each time I take them in and out >:l Then if you don't use enough solution and the contact dries out before you can put it in, (solution is like a liquid that cleans your contacts and washes them off.) so it feels weird on your eye, because you put it in dry .-. And I keep forgetting to blink, so my eyes are getting dry too =-= I guess it takes time.. Bah. Then I have astigmatism in one eye.. O3o Bah. 

Alright here's my NEW theory on Sky High... 


Kay so when you go to play Sky High, this pops up. The game introduction, if you will. So you see the phantoms, the gush of wind/dust, and then, in the center, the panda. Hm. 

My theory: Pandas are the KEY. 

WTC does that mean? WEll, my theory means that you should play as a panda, you'll have better odds. 

As the warning states, I'm just guessing. But when I first won and played as a panda, I got a turkey hat. That's much better than what I've been getting. Like moon necklaces and knee armor -3- 
Now I'm not saying this will work, just saying its a possibility...

I guess there's a new News Crew assignment, according to THIS notification.. I'm not sure hwat its about, so as it says, check out the  Daily Explorer to find out! <_< Click the link to go to the Daily Explorer, AJ's blog. 

Alrightie folks, that's all for today! 
Enjoy your troughs and item winning herbivores.. xD (and partly omnivores..) 

P.S. Here are pandas in the Photo Booth.. 

Oh, and should I make this.. 
My profile picture? Comment below! (: 

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