Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hood With Feather, Rope

Hey here are the items I've missed. This will probably be the quickest post yet, but I'm really short on time. I might take a break from blogging until summer starts.. I don't know yet. ANyways, here's the item for today, then the items I missed.. 

Alright I think this is the item for today... Not sure though :P Sorry for my sucky posts lately and my lack of posting.. I'm seriously considering not blogging until summer. Or at least until summer break starts.. I might just post on update days.. We'll see. Well this is the rope. Hah, have you ever noticed what I save my screenshots as? Like the image names? This one is a 123 what could it be a ROPE.jpg xD They're usually irrelevant to the screenshot.. Bahha. Okay, here's the next item I missed.. 
Not sure which day this item was new on, but its a pretty cool item. Too bad its for members >_< Jammers can find this item in Epic Wonders in the green clothing orb. ( at the top of the staircase) I think most jammers thought of Robin Hood when they saw this item. Ya know, the fox/thing who stole from the rich and gave to the poor? I'm not sure where they're going with it, but its still a neat item. Too bad its a little expensive, but not too bad. 

Alright I think I'm caught up now. 
On a side note, I noticed a buddy of mine had some sidekix plushies? in their den, and they're wayyy bigger than I thought O_o They're pretty cool though, if I do say so myself.

One more thing, have you noticed the strange battle-like descriptions on the Tool-Tips? What do you think AJHQ has planned for us jammers? Have you noticed this on any other items? I think it might have something to do with the Spirit clothing, but I don't know.

That's all for now jammers, I have to go..

In addition to that, here's a weird glitch.. 
You enter your username and password, but if you put in the wrong password/username.. 
Then this happens..
IT TURNED TO GERMAN!!! WHAT THE HECK. I'm pretty positive I didn't change my language setting to German -0-
Strange huh? Have you gotten this before? Maybe in a different language? O3o Comment below. 

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