Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Brown Tile Flooring

Hey guys! Saramo here today :) There isn't much going on in Jamaa these days, but they are starting to put out more new items, usually one a day, if that. Today they brought back an item, the Brown Tile: 
Here's the Brown Tile, available for members for 400 gems. You can find this item in the Jam Mart Furniture store. There is a nonmember version, but you don't see them very often. Here are some more views of the tile in various dens: 
Here's the tile in my den, a castle den.  
Here's the tile in a Snow Fort den. This was taken at Jungletroop1's den. 
Here's the tile in a Restaurant den. 
Here's the tile in a Gingerbread den. 
Here's the last view of it in a den, the Haunted House den. 
Lastly, here's how it'll look if you get it as a gift through a Jama-a-gram. That's about all for today jammers! Enjoy the floor. But not too much.. x3


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