Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rare Phantom Hat and Golden Cape

Heyy! Saramo here. I'm trying out verdana. Likey? Anyways, today is Tuesday, yesterday was Monday etc etc etc. There's a few new items today, so lets get started. First off, the Rare Phantom hat, which you can see below...
Here it is, available for 300 gems. I'm pretty sure this hat was first in stores at the Leap Year Party in 2012, but I could be mistaken. Wanna verify? This item is available for members (not me), and it can be found in the Hat Shop in Sarepia Forest. 
There's also the Golden Royal Cape, which you can find in Epic Wonders in the clothing orb. Lookie at that price tag. O_O A whopping 2,000 gems. A little expensive eh? Though it is expensive, it isn't nearly the most expensive item in the Epic Wonders clothes. I think it's the most expensive is the Golden Bow and Arrows, for 4,500 gems. So on my previous post, I mentioned my membership ending, and being a nonmember arctic wolf and so on. I decided yesterday to get a nonmember wolf anyways, it would take much too long to figure it out for a person with as little patience as me. I decided to get another membership for one month with some babysitting money, and wait yet another month to try again. I am quite ambitious :3 Since i'm no longer an arctic wolf, here's my new signature. How do you like it? I'm not sure if I do, so I might change it within the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted a Rare Phantom Hat!!! Please send me a Rare Phantom hat! My username is Trueomega


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