Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ice Block

Hey guys! Saramo here. Today, as you all probably know, there's a new item in the Jam Mart Furniture store. So here it is: 
Here's the Ice Block, the returning/new item for today. The Ice Blocks are available to everyone, for 150 gems. I know. Its sad. I don't even have enough gems to buy one XD I'm probably going to use a lot of them on another account though. They're quite useful. I have an account, PublicIceRink, and I wanted to incorporate some Ice Blocks in the den somehow. Any ideas?
Here's the den. I could maybe use them around the walls, or maybe on the outside somehow? I'm not quite sure, but I want to use them somehow, since I payed no attention to them last year, and there are some pretty cool things you can do with them. I know, Ice rinks are supposed to be cold, and not have plants. But I like to decorate dens with them everywhere. I think it looks okay. Comment if you have any ideas or what you use the Ice Blocks for!


1 comment:

  1. Make a wall with them >.< I mean cover the wall with them >.<


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