Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Videos and Jellyfishies

Heyy guys. Saramo here. I'll be trying a new font everyday until I run out of fonts.Today's font is courier :3. Yay or nay? Anyways, there isn't much new today, but there are a few things, so lets begin. There are some new movie bytes out, as well as a few new videos in Tierney's Theater.

Here's the newest video in the Sarepia Theater. Its called the World's Deadliest: Super-Hearing Owl. Be sure to check it out, as I did not have time to. 
In Tierney's Theater there's the new video, Monterey Bay Aquarium. Watch it if you can! 
Here's the last new movie for today, the Why are orcas called killer whales video. I'm guessing they're going to explain why orcas are killer whales. There's also a new item...
Here's the new den item, the Smack Of Jellyfish, available to members for 600 gems. Pretty cute hm? I think they go along with the videos, which is probably why they released it. You can buy this item at Sunken Treasures in Kani Cove. (need an underwater animal, this is for underwater dens) Speaking of dens, I have a question for you! So now that i'm non-member, once again, I have a nonmember den. My den is fit for a clan, and I am no longer doing my clan. What I need help with is this:

Should I keep my den how it is?


Should I redesign it to be something different?

That's what I want you to decide! If you think I should make it something different, I can do just about anything! I've made an Icerink, plenty of clan dens, restaurants/hang outs, den filled with an item; trees,leaves,couches, and everything in between! Just comment what you think I should do! Here's a picture of the inside of my den for reference; 

P.s. Here's a weird glitch. This bunny, Pouncing Kookymush, kept running in place where he shouldn't be able to go. Has anyone else noticed that Aj's been pretty glitchy lately, and I mean more than usual?
P.P.S. Here's something you can say with restricted chat. Is there even a store called Den Depot? 

1 comment:

  1. den depot is the store where you can buy dens in coral canyons


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