Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday's Items

Hey guys! Mojo here, and I'm here with today's item which is:

First off, the returning Rare Monday Item, the rare Knitted Hat. Yay or nay to its return? 

There's also the Raccoon hat, which jammers are already raving about around Jamaa.  Could AJHQ be putting them in stores because they aren't bringing back Fox Hats?  

Well that's all I found for new items....
I guess i'll tell you about my very boring job.

I sat behind that counter for three hours waiting for people!
After one person got a smoothie I took a nap.

I sang for a few people for a while.

I played the Claw Machine for an hour.
I left at the end of the day.

Finally I drove home.
Well that's all for today see you later!

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