Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rare Toppy Hatties and Football

Hey guys! Helvetica today! Si or no? Anyways, happy Saturday! Any fun-crazy-awesome plans today? Onto today's items in Jamaa and whats going on. First off, there's a few new items. Let's start with the Football, which you can see below...
Here's the Football, available to EVERYONE. This item is selling for 250 gems, and only comes in one color, which I'm fine with, but most of you probably wanted more colors. On the football, are the initials/acronym JFL. What do you think it stands for? Jamaa Football something. Like NFL probably. It would be great if you could actually throw it around, but that's a little advanced for the den items I suppose. Here's another view of the football in a den, which is about the size of a bunny, without a head. 
Arrows don't lie. That's a football. There's also a new clothing item today.... 
The returning Rare Top Hat, selling for 350 gems, for members. You can buy this item at the Hat Shop in Mount Shiveer, to the left of the slide. The hat was originally sold at the Leap Year Party, but its making another appearance. Be sure to buy yours today, or ask a member to buy you one, because it isn't staying long. Thats all for today, from me. This is Jungletroop1 by the way, I'm her brother. I don't have a google account so I'm using hers, and I'm not an author so yeah. Please enjoy some pictures of me modeling various items: 
Here's me looking fabulous in this Eyeball Hat. 
Here's me as a lady. Purty. 
Here's me as Ozzy Ozbourne. I really don't know how his last name is spelled. 
Here's me modeling as Santa. Aren't I charming? Well that's all for today jammers. I hope I haven't scarred you too badly. 

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