Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Years Party's Latest Items

Hey guys! In my last post, I mentioned the New Years items, but I was unable to tell you which ones are new and show you. So I'm going to do that now. Below are some of the den items: 
Here are some new items in the den store at the party. In order, here are the items: Upside Down Potted Plant, Clover Table, Heart Couch, Wolf Firework, 2013 Banner/Flag, and the 2013 Firework. 
Here's one of the new-ish items in the clothing store at the party, the Freedom Bunny Hat.
I'm not sure if i've already mentioned this, so if I have, sorry. The hat is available to everyone for 500 gems. The hat was originally available at the Freedom Party in July. 
Here's another clothing item, the Medusa Mask, available  to members for  1,500 gems. In my opinion they're priced a little high, but I guess it's your choice if you want to spend that many gems on it. Well there you have it. Here are the newest items at the New Years Party, and be sure to get what you can, because I doubt the party will be around for much longer. If I missed anything, please comment below. Happy January 8th, 2013 :)

~ foreversaramo1926 ~

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