Monday, January 21, 2013

Rare Fancy Top Hat and the Dilemma

Hey guys. Saramo here today. Happy Monday! And Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day! Alright, onto the stuff in Jamaa. Well, it's Monday, and you know what that means. Today's Rare Item Monday item is the Rare Fancy Top hat, which you can see below: 

Here's the "fancy" top hat, available to members for 900 gems. The hat can be found easily on the first page of the Jam Mart Clothing store. When you looked at the post title, you probably noticed dilemma. Dilemma meaning problem or contradiction, etc. Onto that. So yesterday, around 4:03, my membership expired. Don't fret yet, I was planning on being a non-member arctic wolf. Its pretty easy, and I'm sure the majority of you already know how. Well anyways, I wasn't really thinking before my membership expired, and left my settings so people couldn't send me game requests. See, that is a very big problem. I'll tell you why. When your membership expires, this pops up: 
See, you can't cancel out of it. You have to click next. Here's what happens when you click next: 

It wants you to choose two free animals. But you see, I don't want to. But how do I cancel out of it? See, last time I was a non-member, I was a non-member fox, and I figured out a way to cancel out of it so you can still use that account without having to get a non-member animal. All you have to do, is get on another tab, log onto another user, and play a game with yourself. If you say yes, and then cancel out of the game, or play it, you have the option to cancel out of the membership thing. That's where the problem takes place. I changed my settings to not allow game requests, therefore, I cannot cancel out of it. Here's me as a nm arctic wolf, but I can't move. Sorry about the random 1. I messed up and it won't go away. 

Alright, so I have two options, and I want your opinion on which one I should do. Option #1: To find a new way to make the membership thing go away, so I can still play on this account with a nm arctic wolf. The problem with this option, is that it could take a very long time to find a way to cancel out of the membership thing. Option #2: Get a non-member animal and live with it. I know, option two is the easier way, but I really love my arctic wolf. So, I'd like to know Your opinion on which option I should do. Please comment below. I really don't know what to do. Please comment.

1 comment:

  1. I looked her up. She doesn't have nm arctic wolf anymore but she has an nm giraffe that she lost according to her nm animals. poor thing. I'm an nm fox NYANWOLFOX


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