Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday's First Day of Hatapalooza

Hey guys! Huge update today! So lets get started, shall we? First off, I'll show the pages of the Jamaa Journal, even though you've probably seen it already. Here's the first page: 

Here's the first page, the introduction to this weeks update. 
Here's the second page, talking mostly about the Hat shops, just hinting that there's three, not telling where. I'll tell that soon. 
Here's the third page, talking about Liza's contest winners, and the monthly member gift for January, the owls. 
Here's the fourth page, talking about the newest addition to the Epic Wonders items, the birthstones. Mine's August, which is peridot. Whats yours?
Here's the fifth and final page. This page is focused on Cosmo's first contest, a hat contest. All hat entries are due on Wednesday, January 30th, which it says on the last few lines. 
Above is the Garnet Birthstone, the birthstone for January. It's available for 1,500 gems, which i'm assuming, all the others will be too. 
Another new item, the Birthstone Display, available for slightly less than the birthstone itself, 1,00 gems. I'm guessing it must be pretty big, big enough to hold them all, or the birthstones shrink to fit the display. I'll see when I purchase them. 
Here's a returning item, the Snowman Mask, which was in stores not too long ago. You can find it in the Jam Mart Clothing store for 250 gems. Now onto the Hatapalooza Hats...
Here's one of the Hat Shops. This one is in Sarepia Forest, ground level. The hats currently in this store are the Freedom Hat, Scary Bell Hat, Leprechaun Hat, Lion Hat, and Phantom hat. No new hats in this store yet, just returning ones. 
This store can be found in Canyons Pathway. Canyons Pathway isn't accessible by map, so you have to get there by foot, through Crystal Sands or Coral Canyons. The hats in the store right now are the Top Hat, Freedom Panda Hat, Fancy Top Hat, and the Eyeball Hat. This store is right next to the rock in Crystal Sands, and its pretty hard to miss. 
There's also a "New" item, the Lion Hat. You can find it on the 10th page in the Jam Mart Clothing store.
Lastly, there's' the Mt. Shiveer Hat shop. In this shop, there's mostly Freedom hats, the Lion, Monkey, and Chicken. There's also the Police Hat, which i'm pretty sure they just switched what store it was in. That's about all for today jammers! Long post, I know. Enjoy the Hatapalooza!


1 comment:

  1. what days are the hatapalooza!??!?! i wanna collect top hats except i cant get them :(


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