Monday, January 14, 2013

Rare Cozy Wozy Shoes

Hey guys! Saramo here today! Sorry, but today's post is going to be a little short. I had a lot of homework and the day is coming to a close, so i'll have to make this pretty brief. As you probably know, every Monday, AjHq issues a Rare Monday item. Here's today's item below: 

Here's another view of the shoes on a random jammer.

Here's the item, the Rare Cozy Shoes. You can find them at the Shiveer Shoppe, which I just found out that it had a name last week. Its available for 900 gems, for members only. Sorry non-members. I know AJ has been having mostly member items. I think that's to make sure that people who get a membership think that it's worth it. Because they have a lot of membership cards that have been out lately, no doubt to help with funds. I think they're just trying to make sure that members get what they expected, and a little more, just to keep most of the jammers happy. I do think it's a little unfair to nonmembers, but members do pay for it. But i'm sure new items will either come out or come back soon for nonmembers. Just hold tight!


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