Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cocoa Love

 Hey guys! Today there was only one new item that i'm aware of, which is the returning Hat and Curly Wig, which you can find at the New Years Party. Since I couldn't show that today, I thought I would show what I did today with my friend, Kittehgirl123. We like to hang out at the Cocoa Hut in Mt. Shiveer, so today we thought we might as well. Here's what happened in the Cocoa Hut today... 

Above is me, Infinity, and my friend, Leaping. Currently in the picture, Leaping is getting her  cocoa. My eyes are widening because as some of you may know, I am very fond of cocoa. 

Now Leaping is hiding her beloved cocoa behind her back. You may wonder why she's hiding it  and from what/who. In the past, whenever Leaping has gotten cocoa, I have always stolen her cocoa, so she is now very protective of her cocoa. I didn't have any cocoa of my own at the time, and I found it more convenient to steal hers. 

Here, I am leaping at her, and pinning her. You see, this makes it easier to steal her cocoa.  And no, I do not know King Thehero, he was just a random jammer who happened to be in most of the pictures.  

Here I am using my manners and politely asking for her cocoa. That's how I see it at least. Leaping is saying BLAH, as I tackle her. 

When I tackled her, she had the cocoa hidden, so in this picture, I said *sees steam behind her back* Indicating the cocoa was behind her. 

Above I am lunging at Leaping, because I've just seen the cocoa. Once I lunged at the cocoa, I was able to get a hold on it and take it. 

Here, it might look like i'm getting steaming hot cocoa thrown on me. But really, this is a victory.  

Here I am slurping up the cocoa, so basically I've achieved my goal, to steal her cocoa. 

So to sum it up, I accomplished my mission of stealing her cocoa. She usually puts up more of a fight, as we are both very stubborn, but today's cocoa stealing was easier than most. And yes, stealing is bad and something you shouldn't do, but if your stealing cocoa from a good friend that wears a bunny hat, it's considered O.K.

Sincerely a cocoa loving Saramo :) 


  1. I'm glad someone found it interesting :) my sister found it just adding to my idioticness X3

  2. I'm glad someone found it interesting :) my sister found it just adding to my idioticness X3


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