Saturday, March 23, 2013

Baseball Gear

Well good morning jammers (: Saramo here. The one and only xD Well it seems AJ's done with their western theme and bringing in a sportsy one. Here's the item for today.. 

Yep, today's item is the Baseball Gear. This item is selling for 500 gems, 100 gems more than the Croquet Set. Good. Members have to pay more for a member item than non-members have to. I think that's slightly fair. Members can buy anything they want, nonmembers can't, so it seems fair that members have to pay more, since they get more. I'm not siding with nonmembers, they just get less rights. *AJ rights* Okay, I'm off my soapbox xD

So they have the Croquet Set out, a slightly older item, the Football, and now the Baseball Gear out. Maybe this is leading to something involved with the update?
But then again, they had the western/cowboy stuff and they didn't do anything else with it. So how I see it, its 50/50.

What do you think?

I also have 2 days remaining.

So I'll be posting my glitch results on Monday.

Fingers crossed! I just hope they haven't fixed it.. I mean I've seen a few non-member animals around lately, so maybe they haven't...

I would've been a non-member Arctic Wolf on my main account, foreversaramo1926, but I forgot to do something crucial to the glitch :l

I think I'll remember this time.. but I'm pretty forgetful Dx
So today I was mulling around my den and just messing with my actions, and I realized a glitch when Snow Leopards sleep.
So I'm wearing the Freedom Bands, right? Well when my mouth opens when I sleep, you can see some of the Freedom Bands
in my mouth.. 

This works with Cowboy Boots, Elf Bracelets, Leg Armor, Camouflage Boots, and possibly Flip Flops

Not much of a glitch, but its something

It also looks like the Lucky Party will be ending soon.. March will be over within a few weeks and Lucky Day is long gone. They're also showing up less and less on the party schedules. Be sure to get the items you want from the party before its gone! 

I've been trying to post more formally lately, and I don't know how I like it. 

Do guys prefer more goofy posts or more formal and refined posts? 

Longer or shorter posts? 

Let me know

O_o Comment please!!!!!!! o_O 

Its not so much that I want a ton of comments, its that I want to know that people actually read my posts :V
Oh and AJHQ is also sending out this notification ^_^
Well that's all for today jammers!

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