Friday, March 22, 2013

Ships Helm

Heyya  guys! Saramo here! Happy Friiiiday!!! Before I post today, I'd like to make an announcement. 


Have a happih happih happih birthday!! (Happy happy happy XD)

Now for today's post.. 
As you can hopefully see, today's item is the underwater Ships Helm. *This isn't the original color* This item is selling for 300 gems, members only, and in Sunken Treasures. Sunken Treasures is in Kani Cove, just pointing that out ;) 

Heheheh. Here's the item in a den. Just look past the "iceberg" and the speech bubble.. xD I think this item is pretty cool, but I'm not that interested in underwater items/animals/pets. I like having the feeling of the SECURE ground under my feet, I guess that goes for AJ too ^_^ Even if I can't feel.. the ground.. O_o 
So today, in my AJ life, I was wandering around Mt. Shiveer, dawdlin' and gawkin', minding my own bees-wax. Do you remember in Jamaalidays when Mt. Shiveer had like candy-mint things on the pathways and stuff? And the Snow Angel? Well, the candy pathways have gone, but the snow angel remains.

Do you think AJ forgot to remove it or that they left it there on purpose?

There are 3 more days of my membership left!

Again, I'll post my results on the glitch on Sunday. (that's the day it ends.)

Also, I mentioned quite a few posts ago, the rare knight armor  makes wolves' teeth appear another color on player cards and when your changing your look. Like this.. 
But your teeth will appear the same white color when your playing. *When your not changing your look*
Anyways, this works with both Rare Knight Armor and regular Knight Armor.
So these. 

You can wear any color of the Knight armor or the Rare version. Just thought I should mention it again

Lastly, AJHQ is sending out this notification.. 
O_O I guess its international Goof Off Day! Um, that sounds like the best day.. EVER. 
So goof off, be silly, get hyped up on sugar, whatever you do to get yourself in the freak zone xD 
Or you can take action in AJ and get some buddies or a bunch of random jammers and start dancing! Which is what AJHQ suggests..

Don't be afraid, the weird side welcomes all



Me wants more comments.

Make it happen.


This is a valuable life lesson ^_^ If you can't read the words in red, it says:

"Live, Love, Hula" 

That's all for today jammers! Have an amazing day and I hope you don't go on a cruise with a shark dressed as an unsuccessful superhero as your captain.. Good day xD

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