Saturday, March 30, 2013

Support Koalas

Hey jammers! Saramo here with my second post of the day! This post isn't about an item, a glitch, or some random yet amazing time I had on AJ.  And I'm not adding color this time. (Its a lot of work!) No, this post will be about supporting koalas, the furry, tree-hugging animals from Appondale. You probably already know, but koalas will soon be leaving Jamaa, on April 11th, with the koala alpha, Cosmo, to find us jammers a new land. 

I know, koalas aren't the most liked animal in AJ, probably one of the least favorite of most jammers. Today though, I noticed a lot more jammers had koalas. So I bought one myself. They really are pretty cool animals. So I was in Jamaa, and a koala next to me, dance1023, was dancing, saying things like "Be a koala and dance to show jammers how important they are!" That inspired me to post about koalas. 

Koalas were one of the first animals on Animal Jam. People didn't really notice koalas until now. Sure, a few jammers here and there had a koala, but you didn't see them as often as wolves or bunnies. 

My point is, you should become a koala and support them on their journey to bring us a new land. 

I'm working with a few fellow koala friends to establish a Koala Organization XD 

So after dance1023, said to dance to support koalas, I of course had to join in. Here are a few ideas of what we were doing...

I don't know how inspiring that was, but I hope you were somewhat inspired to take part in supporting koalas! 

Ponder my suggestions XD



  1. OMG that koala is epic but when will they be back?

  2. I love koalas :) it's a shame they weren't too appreciated :(


Hey guys! Saramo and Mojo here! About to comment? Please do! We encourage you to comment and express your opinions and feelings about posts, pages, and other things on the blog. Please remember to keep it appropriate, this is an Animal Jam blog, and there are younger jammers. Please keep these rules in mind when you are about to comment:

1. No swearing
2. Keep it appropriate
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If you can follow these rules, you are amazing. Thank yew! >8D