Monday, March 11, 2013

Rare Anchor Ballcap

Ello guys! Saramo here! Happy MONDAY!!! Haahaaha no. Mondays suck. But this one doesn't! Wants tah know why? SURE YA DO. 
Because....   i have a SNOW DAY!!!!! So that also means there's a rare item today, so here it is...

Above is the "Rare" Anchor Ballcap, available in Bahari Bargains in Bahari Bay. This item is selling for 950 stinking gems!
The good~ish thing is that its a non-member item. Oh and its on the second page of clothing.
I guess it looks okay.
The colors aren't awful, they could be a lot worse. It doesn't look too bad actually.
Well here's the Rare Anchor Ballcap on a shark..
Acca-chuly, here's the item on a seal, penguin, and a shark ^_^ 
Well here's me, the super shark aka CLOVERMAN, and my sidekick, The Octopus. OH AND A MANATEE. Which is, actually, sadly an elephant seal Dx
We'll just say I was right and it was a manatee...
Here's my cape in action...  heheh.
Well yeah.  

So on Saturday our family was going somewhere, so we would be in the car for awhile. My sister and I sat next to eachother but we talked using "Notes" on my iPod, so here's some of our conversation.. Heheh. 

So yeah. Hope you either enjoyed that or were mentally scarred by that.
That's all for today jammers!
Enjoy your "Rare" Anchor Ballcaps and should-be-manatees-but-they-aren't elephant seals :l 


Oh and this is my 100th post! :) Yay. 
Oh and AJT has also reached 5,000 views! 
Thanks for the views everyone :P 
I'll try to do a party but time differences could be a problem, so I might just do a contest. 

P.S. Thanks echid for the pony =3 He's currently living in my bathtub. Shh... xD

1 comment:

  1. Happy 100th post!!! Random characters:§¢£€¥₩»«“—–•¡‰{}][¿|


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