Sunday, March 24, 2013

Nautilus Necklace

Well hello there (: Saramo here!!!!!! Happy Sunday! Drink up the last few hours of your weekend x3 Well let's see what's up in Jamaa today.. 
Behold, the returning Nautilus Necklace, selling for 250 gems. You can find this item in Bahari Bargains, the underwater clothing store in Bahari Bay. This item is members only :V

Now my membership on the account lonelycore has expired, and my main account is already nonmember, so I can't show this item on an animal.

However, since my membership on lonelycore expired, I was going to do the glitch, right?

So, when I logged on, the glitch you need to do worked! Here's my proof XD
Here's my nonmember snow leopard, Mythical Spiritclaws (:

I was afraid it was going to work at first, the glitch wasn't working how it usually did. I tried something else, and it let me play! You see, this will pop up every time I log on.. 
You can't play AJ with that up! That's why you have to do something to get it to go away. Otherwise it makes you buy new animals. 
Like this. See, it would be easy if it would just let you exit out. But the X in the upper left hand corner is gone, forcing you to buy a nm animal. Well I found a way to make that go away, so you can play. Thus, resulting in this.. 
Jump awn it, jump awn it xD *on not awn, just to show how to be pronounced* Heehh. I also have my dolphin ^_^ 
Yep. Its pretty cool. I like being a nm member animal because I'm used to being a nonmember. I was surprised they hadn't fixed it yet O_o I did the glitch in 2012 around November on my main account, foreversaramo1926, as my fox. I stayed like that for at least a month or so, until I got my arctic wolf. It would've given them plenty of time to fix it.

Maybe this is one of the glitches that doesn't harm AJ? I don't know the reason, but its still around. Most of you probably know the first part of the glitch, you have to get rid of your non-member animals. But most people don't know the other half. I'm not sure if I should say, in case AJ does find out about it and doesn't want jammers doing it :l

Though I hate keeping it to myself, I'm not sure if I should share it Dx Gah.

So yeah.

Being a nonmember member animal also can get very annoying. Sure, it is amazing for other jammers to see something unusual, but  do they really have to make a big deal out of it? People will constantly say how easy the glitch is, how they know how, how its nothing special, when they only know the half of it. But yes, people will always gawk at you and ask you how and to buddy them :V
AJHQ is also sending out this notification. It says to help Big Cats and donate gems in the Conservation Museum *which is in Appondale* I try to donate every once in awhile, but I don't everyday .-.  They also have a post on the Daily Explorer.

Well that's all for today jammers! If you don't know how to do the glitch and would like me to share how, comment below!
Oh and vote which one I should use as my signature! The one above is #1, the one below is #2! The drawing isn't very good.. :l 


  1. how do you get a nm animal?! my mmbership is expireing in a week and i need to know! PLEEEEEEEZE!!! :) XD

  2. sorry. I didnt mean to be rude. I would just REALLLLLLLLLY like to know how to do this so Ican keep my SNow Leopard, Bouncing Sillymajor! thanks!!!!!!!

  3. So I should post a video? Alright.. I'll try to do one today if I can. Whats your user? :)

  4. i dont want to give my user out online. I got hacked once :( but ill look for you in AJ. even tho you havent done it yet,THANK YOU FOR THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!


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