Saturday, February 2, 2013

Heart Necklace

Heyyy guys! Saramo here! Happy Saturday, February 2nd!Let's get onto whats going on in Jamaa today... Shall we? I'll take that as a yes :3 
Here's today's new item, the Heart Necklace. You can buy this item for 300 gems, in Bahari Bargains, the store in Bahari Bay. Goes well with the theme of the Friendship Festival, eh? Well, that's all for new for items. 
The Friendship Party is also going on, check your party list for the nearest party! Picture credit to Snowyclaw, there were no Friendship Parties going on for 7 hours! I'm not sure what's being sold in the party, or how it looks, so when I find out I'll post about it. That's about all for today, from me. Oh yeah...

? At a movie theater, which arm rest is yours ?
Fun question to ponder, question brought to you by
Thats all for today!

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