Monday, February 18, 2013

Rare Firefighter Hat

Hey guys! Saramo here. I was looking at my other posts, and it seems that I start nearly every post like that >_< Oh well. How's the blog's current favicon? Yeah, you can't see it. *SIGH* I'm working on it :l Well let's see what's new in Jamaa today, shall we? Might I mention today is Monday, which means there's an annual Monday rare, it's also President's Day for the U.S. Yeah, an American holiday celebrating the time each president has served and what they have done for our country, yada yada yada... Alright, the "rare" for today... 

This item is available to members for 650 gems, cheaper than the Monday items have been. You can find this item on the fifth page of the Jam Mart Clothing store. It isn't the prettiest item, but surely isn't the ugliest. What do you think of the item? Here's the hat on a few animals.. Well two, since on my member account, I only have two kinds of animals.. 
Here's the hat on a snow leopard. Could they bring back a hat that we can actually see our eyes from? The Curly Wig on traditional wolves hides their eyes, the Hat and Curly Wig hides their eyes, and the "Rare" Firefighter Hat hides wolves and snow leopards eyes. 
Here's the hat on a traditional wolf. WHERE THE HECK ARE MY EYES. Sorry, but if they want me to wear an item, I want to be able to see my eyes. They're there for a reason right?! 
How's this for a favicon? I think it can still work, since the Friendship Festival is still going on. What are your THOUGHTS on it? X_X I don't know what else to post about...  Ohhh. Here's a list of what I want AJHQ to bring to Jamaa.. items that is.

1. Nonmember Eyepatch for above water
3. Sneakers :3 LUV CHU SNEAKERS
4. PANTS. Wait maybe not.... Don't want people taking off their pants...
7. Mechanical Bulls, for dens. Just adding to the insanity...
8. Alarm Clocks that make annoying noises, that you can wear on your neck.
9. Cameras, that you can actually take screenshots with. WORK ON THAT AJ.
10. Water Guns. Who doesn't want those? Or water balloons that you can actually throw at people.

Now, in the comments, you can either tell me what you want AJ to bring, or why AJ shouldn't bring what I want them to. I'm sure you can come up with some things... XD Thats it. Oh, please enjoy this picture. 
OZZY OSBOURNE BUDDIES. Yay. Here's the comparison.. 
His hair is soo... flow-y. Yup. Animal Jam of Today, where you can find NOTHING educational! That's all for today guys. (:

Add to the madness.


  1. I want flying pigs

  2. Hi k8te :3 Cat beds and flying pigs.. How has AJ not come up with these yet? x3


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