Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Log-in Walls

Hey guys. Saramo here. WEDNESDAY. Woo. Yeah, no. English class is evil. Anyways, today I'm snacking on apples :3 Here's whats up in Jamaa today....  So it looks like they've changed the appearance of the Player Log-in...

Here's what it looks like, for now. AJ could just be testing it out, or it could be the player log-in for awhile. Did you like the old version or the new version better? I think I liked the old one... This one looks unrealistic.. I don't know the right word to explain it. It just doesn't look... right. What are your opinions on it? 
If you have a code, simply check the box with the words "I Have a Code to Enter!" and the code bar slides down. I'd like it better if they kept the old style, but added the drop-down code bar, I like that better. There's also a new wallpaper, available in the Friendship Party. 
Picture credit to Footclan. The next party was four hours away, for me Dx This item is available for 500 gems, the same as the Pink Swirls flooring, I do believe :3 The seasonal trees have also changed to fit the Friendship Festival/Valentine's Day theme. My screenshot stinks... Ah well. 
I actually really like this version of the Seasonal Tree. Especially the carved A+J on the trunk <3 I've tried carving a branch though with my dad's pocketknife :3 Hehe... ME with a KNIFE... Scary thought O-o Anyways, it took forever, so imagine doing that in a tree. Yeah.. that would take a while. Well I think that's all for changes, that I've noticed. So today, I played a game of Marbles with loopy-eyed Santa... 
Click picture to see enlarged loopy-eyed Santa xD  Yeah.. it was a tie I guess.. C;< I also jumped in Jamaa...alliteration... with some tigers wearing worns, fox/raccoon hats, and gloves. 
We stopped jumping for awhile to annoy jammers... x3 Here's another view with all of us.. the third lady was somewhere else in the picture ^ up there. 
So yeah. I'm the tan one with a blue fox hat :3 Hmm... what else did Saramo do? Let's see... 
Oh yeah. I jumped on the "bridge" in Coral Canyons with my nm sword buddy xD NOTICE THE RED CIRCLE. Poor hamster DX Little fella fell offa that cliff, good thing he had his space helmet! Yeah.. that won't do you much good when your hurtling towards the ground to your doom... C: Heh. I'm so positive XD
This lady's snake was trying to not fall off the cliff...  I think that's enough.. have to go get started on stupid English homework... X_X Darn. I have math too .-. Well byeee. Enjoy or hate the new log-in, and don't lick the swirly walls ;)

P.S. Enjoy this picture of the apple I consumed xD  Sorry, your going to have to crane your neck sideways and look like an idiot. 
Sucha pretty apple, soakin' up the sun x3 That's all for now! 

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