Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Paradise Banner

Hey guys! Saramo here! Thanks for all the comments yesterday! I usually get none, so it was nice seeing some comments (: Keep it up? Well anyways, here's whats new in Jamaa today... 

As  you could probably guess from the title, today's newest item is the Paradise Banner, found in the store at the Paradise Party. This item is available for 300 gems, members only. Strangely a banner is the same price as a pillow.. You'd think a pillow/mat would be cheaper :l The banner is okay, not my favorite item, and it matches the overall theme of the party. I think the icon thing on the pillow and on the banner is a feather or something bird-ish. Here's the item in a den. 
Its actually pretty small.. in my opinion. I thought it would be bigger than it is. Even the nonmember Fantasy Banners are bigger and are only 50 gems more. Oh well. I think that's all for new items.

Whose excited for the raccoons? Only two more days, I think.. :3 Or its next week. I'm still not 100% sure. I guess we'll find out ^_^

I also noticed while looking at other jammer's blogs that they mentioned the Seasonal Tree starting to bud. Scroll or glide with your fingers to view thee tree
I know its hard to see, but if you squint you can see little green dots, indicating that leaves will be coming soon. 


Probably. Well that's all for today jammers! Enjoy your mini-banners! Or if your a non-member, eat someone else's xD 
O_O Listen to the beef eating penguin. Comment!!!!!


So yeah. 

P.S. Flabbage and lolling should definitely be words! I forgot to do a "Jammer Said What?!" so here's another made up word I think should be a word:

Saramoed. As in you've been saramoed.

Definition: The act of being proven or annoyed or anything else having to do or done by a Saramo.

Comment your own words and their meanings!


  1. I'll make another new word fro me. Maybe Madocry.
    It means crying loudly, CRAZILY. The cry level is SEVERE!!! Ex: "My Younger brother's cry is madocry!!! Help!!! Too severe!!!" XD


  2. And how do you MOVE the "burger sign" to the penguin plushie???


    1. Ohh I was just sleeping and I moved until the burger icon was above the penguins head, so it looks like he's saying it ^_^ Nice word :3


Hey guys! Saramo and Mojo here! About to comment? Please do! We encourage you to comment and express your opinions and feelings about posts, pages, and other things on the blog. Please remember to keep it appropriate, this is an Animal Jam blog, and there are younger jammers. Please keep these rules in mind when you are about to comment:

1. No swearing
2. Keep it appropriate
3. Try to keep it at least remotely related to AJ
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