Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hey guys! Saramo here! I haven't posted in the morning for awhile   eh? Well I have a snow day, so I'm posting early :3 Sorry I'm a little late, I like to sleep in. I could've posted earlier, but I tend to get sidetracked.. x3 Alright, here's whats new in Jamaa today... 
Behold, the newest item in the Jam Mart Clothing store, the Lasso. This item is available to members for 350 gems, a little cheaper than the Cowboy Boots. Is AJ going western or something? I guess we'll find out ;3 Here's the Lasso on a few animals. 
Here's the Lasso on an arctic wolf. They move automatically, which is a little weird since it looks like its possessed or something O_O It sort of reminds me of the Halo. 
On a fox.. I was in the Sol Arcade for most of the pictures.. :3 
And on a snow leopard. 
On a wolfeh ^_^  You get the idea. I think it comes in three colors, brown, blue, and pink. The lasso will spin/rotate automatically, nonstop. It does stop when you sit, but I think that's the only time it stops. It stops on your player card, but that doesn't really count. They look... interesting.. on player cards. You can't even see them with arctic wolves.. The tops at least. 
Gotta <3 blur! C; That's about it. 
Please enjoy this screenshot :P  
I think that's all. I know, it's not as long as usual, but I'll probably notice something else and add it later ;3 ... Heh ^  xD 

OHZ. I edited the painting from yesterday, so here's the right version.. I REMEMBERED JAM!  OOH
:) (: :) (: :) (: :) (: :) (:

P.S. If you want to see the chatbox and your not on the mobile version, just highlight the chat box with your cursor until I get it fixed. 

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